F-minus: A new report card for Lobbyists


Launched in July 2023, F Minus has built a revolutionary database of state-level lobbyists for upstream and midstream oil, gas, and coal interests to demonstrate the extent to which these lobbyists are also representing people, schools, communities, and businesses being harmed by the climate crisis.

This is a problem, not just for transparency, but for Democracy.

Multi-client lobbyists are often described as “gatekeepers” to state officials because of their personal relationships and broad range of expertise. State lobbying laws prohibit these multi-client lobbyists from lobbying on both sides of a particular piece of legislation or other governmental action, but  nothing prohibits a fossil fuel lobbyist from also working for a company or an organization that is being negatively impacted by the climate crisis.

See the problem?

Ouch. We’re swimming in the ocean of corruption.


Great branding!

P.S. – the Wicked7 Project is back – after taking a short break during which time we built the Regenerative Marketing Institute and wrote a book called “Regeneration: The Future of Community in a Permacrisis World.”

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