The Wicked7 Project Challenge has begun.
Here’s how you can participate:
- Download and read our latest guidelines (PDF) and W7 template (Powerpoint, Google docs) >>
Our previous guidelines (you can still submit your maps for these categories!) >>
The process described in our guidelines is as follows:

2. Spend a few minutes going over at the other maps submitted at Digital-Cosmos, our open-innovation partner.
Here is an example (PDF).
3. Start your research and the mapping process.
4. Submit your map for review on Digital-Cosmos (registration required)
5. Pay attention to the suggestions you receive. Feel free to debate and justify your decisions. Should you feel the need to make revisions, please make your changes and submit your revised map.
6. Stay connected – if any part or the whole of your map is selected, you will be invited to participate further.
7. Questions? Watch this tutorial by Nicholas:
Also – check out the rest of the site, and if you need to get in touch, drop us a line at info@wicked7.org
Good luck!